"Look around you, you're surrounded, it won't get any better...until the night."
You know, I really hate being in my late twenties. I feel like I have to make certain decisions before it's too late. I also wonder whether the choices I've made were the right ones. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for many things in my life, but I think it's safe to say that certain events haven't exactly turned out the way I expected.
Now, before this turns into a thesis about how much my life sucks, let's focus on the main reason why I'm writing this post - a song. In the past, I've posted on my Facebook and Twitter accounts about the excellence of a song called "Home," by LCD Soundsystem. I've been intrigued by this song ever since I first heard it on their 2010 record This is Happening. I wish I was lying when I say this, but I listen to this song at least once a week. Yes, it's that good.
It's pretty easy to see why I hold "Home" in such high regard. Right off the bat, you'll notice that it's extremely catchy. Seriously - I dare you to listen to the first minute and NOT tap your feet to its infectious opening rhythm. The introduction slowly builds up, the main percussion kicks in, and the rest of the song is driven by a pulsating, four-note bass line.
LCD Soundsystem's songs are all about minimalism. Despite it's eight-minute length, "Home" follows a pretty basic two-chord progression. Thankfully, the use of some memorable keyboard noodling prevents the song from getting overly stale. The main chorus is only heard twice, but I would hardly call this a complaint. After all, the chorus itself is so unforgettable that you won't even need to hear it more than twice.
The lyrics of "Home" can be interpreted in several different ways. When I first listened to this song, I thought it was a pretty straight-forward story about a group of friends who party through the night. Sounds fun, right? Well, upon repeated listens I started to realize that there is actually a lot more going on than I had originally thought. Yes, this is a song about partying, but the lyrics also suggest that their night out is nothing more than a distraction to fill the emptiness of their everyday lives. Wow...sound familiar anyone?
I'd like to think that songwriter James Murphy wrote "Home" as a swan song to your twenties. Like I said at the beginning of this post, this time of your life pretty much sucks. His lyrics highlight the importance of friendship and laughter, and suggest that your friends are in the same boat as you. The idea of being "home" is a not about being at a specific location, but rather about being with the people who are most important in your life.
Above all, "Home" is a song about making the best of what you already have. Well, at least that's how I interpreted it. Listen to it for yourself, and let me know what you think. Also, if you like this song, make sure you listen to the rest of This is Happening. The same themes are present throughout the entire album, and it is a very fitting finale for LCD Soundsystem.